Thea Suter-Stahel

Thea Stahel

Office Address

Hönggerbergring 64
8093 Zürich

Tel.: 044 632 94 71

Mailing Address

ETH Zurich
Institut für Molekularbiol. u. Biophysik
HPK D 19
Otto-Stern-Weg 5
8093 Zürich

The main topic of my work in Prof. Widers and Prof. Allains group is technical support and maintaining a 500, 600, 750, 700 and 900 MHz NMR spectrometers. After my Matura I started to study chemistry at ETH and finished my studies at the University of applied Science in Wädenswil. Since september 2009 I'm working here at the ETH Zurich.

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